Tuesday, July 26, 2011


There are thousands of opportunities within one single day for you to participate in glorifying God.  Seriously, thousands.  A smile, a hug, a kind word, no words at all, a helping hand, giving grace rather than judgment, etc.  The awesomeness of God is that He invites us participate in these opportunities almost every second of your day.  You either do or do not, that's his love in giving us free will. 

Sitting on my parent's patio on a summer evening, looking out to the millions of trees that surround me, and noticing the calming sound of nothing gives me time to reflect on just where I've been, what I've done and what comes next. 

To think about the big picture is frightening.  What will happen this next year?  Will I experience great hardships?  What valleys will I experience?  What if God asks me to give up my dreams?  A great friend of mine asks, "Can you do today?"  Yes, I can do today.  Because there are thousands of opportunities in one day in which I get to participate in sharing the love of Jesus Christ.  And if I fail, there are plenty more.  Besides, I should not worry about tomorrow, today has enough of its own!

I like that perspective.  I can do today.  One day last year I decided to do something big.  It wasn't just an opportunity to give a hug or a smile.  It was a choice to walk next to someone for 365 days, which then will turn into another 365 days.  Within those first 365 days I made a choice to build into someone who needed love, support and loyalty.  I will never forget the experience.  I stepped out to do something different, and God coddled me the whole way, opening every door to make it easy and clear. 

There are many other people who made a decision during that time to glorify God.  These people are woven into the beautiful embroidery that makes my story possible.  I want to give a heartfelt thank you to every single person who listened to me, who prayed for me, who earned money and then decided to give it to me, who believed in me and who cheered me on.  I also want to thank those who questioned me, who challenged me and who held me accountable.  You all participated in something incredible.  You responded to a need and acted as the hands and feet of Jesus Christ.  I will never be the same because I chose to love radically and so did you. 

At the end of the year, I recall three important things.  One, seeing is NOT believing.  Faith is believing what you cannot see.  This was one of my greatest challenges and successes.  I do believe in God's call to care for orphans, to believe in Him above all logic and in your faith you will eventually see.  I grew by leaps and bounds in this area.  Two, that in my weaknesses I should delight in hardships and difficulties.  I am an organized, hard worker.  But I am not gifted as an executive director.  My weaknesses are many which makes me cry out for help so much more.  It keeps me humble.  Third, to be a companion in the suffering and patient endurance in Jesus Christ.  I will never forget the experience of standing by one of the most amazing women I have ever known, Rachel Sanson, through thick and thin, no matter what.   

One special moment for me came a few days before I left for the states.  I was doing a year review of my expenses.  I realized that my bank account had the same amount of money in it as when I started this journey.  I couldn't believe it.  I smiled and wondered why I had even worried about finances.  God sustains.  He's increased my faith, to believe when I cannot see.  And the greatest part was that He gave me so much more than I had anticipated.  He knew my needs and was gracious to me.....through the very special people who made a choice to participate.  Thank you to everyone who walked alongside of me.  My words will never express how much you mean to me and am indebted with love for you. 

On August 7th I will return to Los Planes de Renderos, El Salvador with a renewed, restored heart.  It has been so incredibly fun to see all my friends and family.  I had a few things I really wanted to do:  meet my new nieces Legend and Legacy (check, check, check, and check), an evening with my parents at their favorite winery (check), pooltime and a cookout with my bros and their families (check, check), spending time with everyone who supported me (check) and catch a Tribe game (no check yet).  My time here has been filled with so much peace, rest and calmness that I wish it was something I could pack up in my suitcase and take along with me!  Thankfully, the peace of Jesus can go anywhere with you. 

I look forward to the highs and lows I get to share with you from El Salvador!   

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