Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Telling Tonio

The amazement of what just happened last week is still settling in my mind and heart.  All of my prayers seemed to be answered in one split second.  I had prayed for at least a meeting with the judge in order to plead for a court date.  Done.  I prayed that the judge would approve this adoption so that it could go to a hearing.  Done.  I prayed for the adoption to be completed this summer.  Done.  And last Monday I cried out to God that I wouldn't have to say goodbye to him one more time.  Done. Wow.  I am so grateful for God's favor.  I am in awe of how He worked out every last little detail to my benefit, especially when it looked impossible, but most importantly, he stretched my faith in a deeper way.  I look back and think "I could've had more.  I should've never doubted or been frustrated.  I will be even better next time".

Tonio grinned from ear to ear as he sat and listened to me tell him what is to come.  "Since I met you I had a desire to love and care for you.  When I moved back to the States I worked hard to make you my son and bring you home with me.  I was so sad to say goodbye to you every time I visited.  But this time, this time it's for real, this time you get to come home with me and live with me as my son, in my home, in the United States".   He beamed, not knowing what to say, quietly processing, but beaming.  When asked his thoughts about it, he nodded his head and said "yes", he wanted this.

Tonio has never been shy about his desire to live with me and go to the United States with me.  The hardest thing for me during this entire process was keep that from him until I received a concrete date of when it would happen.  His dream and desire came true at last.  Immediately Tonio took on possession of my family calling them "my grandparents, my nieces and nephews, my house, and our cat".  (I had to explain that my nieces and nephews are his cousins, he still doesn't get it, but there's plenty of time for that!)   Every morning the first words out of his mouth are "I'm going to the United States!  Woo hoo!".  He's asked some really cute questions such as, "What uniform should I take to go to school there?" (all Latin American schools were uniforms so it will be a change for him to wear regular clothes to school).  After singing the lyrics to "Happy", he suddenly wanted to know what music they have in the states.  I laughed and said "exactly what you're singing".  Tonio has had a fascination for planes ever since he realized that's how one travels to the United States.  He is soooo excited about the opportunity to ride in one.  He asked how many "minutes" will he be in it and if we can sleep once we get going.  This plane ride is going to be precious.  It will be in those hours that he will move forward to the unknown but his childlike faith and ability to transition well to anything with a positive, joyful attitude will be something he will teach all of us.

I have seen so much growth in this little man - from his academic achievements (reading, writing, English, etc.) to growing stronger physically and especially the way he is so teachable and desires to learn, work hard and enjoy life.  This kid is ready for what is to come.  I have no doubt that he will thrive in his new surroundings and that he will melt every single heart that meets him.

I speak as if it has already been completed.  The truth is that him and I still have to be observed by a social worker and psychologist from the court on July 10th for 30 minutes.  And there still is a hearing.  His biological mother still has to show up to give her parental consent one last time.  I agree with my uncle Jon who commented that he would continue to pray until we are on American soil.  I ask that you all would do that as well - pray against any obstacles that could prevent these last few protocols.  I know that God will complete this very good work that He inspired in me.  I praise Him for what he has done, is doing and will do on July 14th.

Tonio's homework assignment for Mother's Day was to describe his mother.  He described me.  He didn't know it then that it would happen for real!

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