Thursday, December 23, 2010

The good...

Give thanks to the Lord and pray to him.  Tell the nations what he has done.  Sing to him; sing praises to him.  Tell about all his miracles.  Be glad that you are his;  let those who seek the Lord be happy.  Depend on the Lord and his strength; always go to him for help.  Remember the miracles he has done, his wonders and his decisions.  1 Chronicles 16:8-12

In early November I wondered how Love and Hope Children's Home would eat, pay bills and stand the test of time that we were enduring.  I knew in my head that God would provide but I couldn't see how.  I wanted to be mad about the reasons that caused the situation, but now I am glad. 

One week after we experienced devasting news of lack of funds, we looked, expected and counted the ways to be grateful.  Two donations were delivered to our home that contained huge portions of rice, beans, sugar, oil, eggs and much more.  It covered two whole shelves in our kitchen pantry.  We also received a donation of clothes, toys and some other games for the kids.  It was so nice to know that God would send others right away!

Being that the kids were nearing their school vacation time, we didn't want to say "no" to going out and doing activities.  Inexpensive trips to the park, zoo and other places were made.  The biggest blessing was meeting the owner of the beach house we frequently rent and he offered its use to us for free!  The kids enjoyed it 3 or 4 times over break which normally is a luxury for when others come and visit.

By Thanksgiving, we decided to buy extra groceries so we could have an all-American turkey dinner.  The feast was amazing thanks to the hands that prepared the very delicious food (definitely not mine!) and we were able to welcome all our of staff, fellowship friends and a couple from the States who were visiting to sit down and eat with us.  That moment was very special because a few weeks earlier we weren't sure if we'd even have food to eat and now we were eating and sharing it with everyone.

A couple who sponsor one of the kids came and donated many supplies for the children and kitchen.  They had saved for this moment where they could purchase next year's school shoes, ingredients for new recipes in the menu, ice cream outing for the kids and they were even spontaneous and bought electrical hot water shower heads for each shower.  We were blessed by their generosity.

As Christmas approaches, we are reminded of the many ways to continue watching God provide and our call to think on only what is pure, noble and worthy of praise.  We praise God for the amazing people who stepped forward to provide Christmas presents this year.  Our bus driver, our church in El Salvador, our church in the US, our new Board and sponsors, our family members and many other kind and giving people who were just looking for a way to give.  They kids have received engraved Bibles, puzzles, toys, clothes, shoes and a stocking full of "stuff".  It's going to be an unbelievable Christmas!

For me, it increases my faith to see how it all took shape.  And it still continues to take shape.  I want to tell you all about it because we are commanded to do so.  I want to learn to depend on Him more because he promises to provide.  I want to always remember the good and sing songs of praise to the only One who can perform miracles and wonders.

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