Thursday, July 2, 2009

I stink at mopping!

Love and Hope just welcomed the summer team from CVC who will be staying for 2 weeks. In perfect timing, school was cancelled until July 9th due to many illnesses and the swine flu scare. So, this week the kids are working on a demanding load of work that they must complete at home but have enough people around to receive as much one on one tutoring as they need.

Last night I had a pajama party with the girls. I promised that we would have one if they all completed a little assignment with the American team members in English. So, we ate icecream, did belly smackers from the top bunk on to the mattresses below, played beauty salon (and i did not come out looking like a beauty, i must say!) and challenged each other to a lime eating contest. Since I did not want to do that, I ended up getting lime squeezed in my hair, down my shirt and salt up my nose! A much needed shower came shortly after. It was nice to have that time with the girls after a lot of homework and chores.

In addition to making sure they complete their routine for the day, I wash/fold their clothes and mop the floors. I can fold just fine but mopping is one thing I just dread. They use a towel and drape it over a broom in order to mop. I have watched the others complete this task beautifully but I just flat out stink. I´m amazed by the efficiency of others around here but my ability to get the girls up, showered, chores done, ready for breakfast, clothes washed and hung on the line, floors mopped all by 8am is just impossible! ha ha. i guess you can imagine how clean my house gets...

I have been humbled quite often by the honesty of these girls. They seem to want to tell me my every flaw, mistake and who is better than me at whatever. I have to admit it hurts! But, after talking to Rachel, Alyssa and Kirsten, I get a little more perspective about how to swallow their comments and how to talk to them about them. I remind myself that this is part of the job and we are all learning how to love one another better when it´s not so easy. This experience is changing my perspective as a teacher too. I already have seen areas that I need to change in order to make a relationship more loving, safe and compromising.

Well, I could go on but I´ll save more for later. Tomorrow we head to a teen retreat with the church youth ministry for the weekend. Three of the girls and I are going and our team will be there too. Next week we hit the beach with the 28 kids and the team. Fun times. For now, I´m getting back to playing dolls and kicking the soccer ball around. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelly, I was wondering where you were heading to this summer. Thank you for the link. It will be great to keep tabs on you this summer. I will keep you in my prayers.
    God Bless,


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